Thursday, November 3, 2011

1 in 1000 Questions

Q1-What did you enjoy about this project?
I enjoyed hanging out with Karen because we are best friends. Karen and I always hang out downtown and doing the interview there made it real enjoyable. Us doing the interview downtown made it available for me to take many different pictures of her and to really show different lights on her life.
Q2-What challenges did you encounter?
One of the challenges that I encountered was that I did not have enough audio for the project. I had about 2.15 minutes of audio. That really annoyed me. I also wished that there was not an awkward loud part in my audio when Karen answered a question.
Q3-What would you change if you had to do it over again?
I wish that I could have gotten better audio on my presentation. I also wish that I could have had more different questions to ask her to give the project more variety.

Friday, October 28, 2011

When Is It Appropriate To Use Anonymous Sources?

     It is appropriate to use anonymous sources to a certain extent. Using sources in general gives the story a better perspective. If the story being reported is very embarrassing and personal or might harm someone's safety then it is better to use anonymous sources. If the source is private and shy then anonymous would be better to that source. If the source is a public figure and is purposely giving there lives away for newsworthiness the anonymous sources are not well to use. This might also affect libel because that means the reporter is responsible for hurting or embarrassing a person. Just remember to be delicate on that subject.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Catholic School Deletes Student's Coming Out Story

      Censorship- Because all Sean Simonson wanted to do in the newspaper is to express his feeling about gays. The Catholic school had no right to pull it off. This story did not hurt anyone personally. All that he wanted to say is that people should rise together to stop the severe bullying that goes on with gays.
       Bias- I agree that the school should not have taken off the story like that but Sean still could of showed both sides of the story. Sean knows how Catholics feel about this topic and might have written something concerning that issue. People don't necessarily need to agree with him but they should not bully gays like the school basically did with the CD. Sean knows the controversial  topic that this and should have seen these comments coming.
      Summary-Sean Simonson is an openly gay student at St. Margaret's, a Catholic school. He writes a story online and for the school newspaper about his going out and how we should stop the bullying that goes on to gays. The school bans the story from being published and takes of the story online. On top of the they send all the students homes a CD about how they plan to ban gay marriage. This is a very difficult issue to see who is right and wrong in this situation. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Questions For My Interview With Karen McCain

1.Can you describe yourself?

2.What is something in your life that is very unique?

3.What is your daily schedule?

4. What are your hobbies?

5.Do you have any goals in your life?

6.What is the biggest dream in your life?

7.How do you feel in a play or a performance?

8.What are some instruments that you play?

9.What kind of music inspires you?

10.What is your favorite type of music?

11.What do you plan to do in life with your singing and acting?

12.What do you wish to accomplish in your life before you die?

13.How many years have you been singing and preforming?

14.How do you keep your grades up with all the activities you do?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Who I Pick for 1 in a 1,000

      The person that I pick to interview is my best friend Karen McCain. She is a very inresting and fun person who does many arts. Karen is a singer and loves to act. She has been in multiple talent shows and plays. You might think how can this person can do all this work and maintain great grades? Ask Karen. She is in multiple advanced classes and has a high GPA.
      My second choice for this project is my good friend Madison Fowler. She is very smart and funny. She has great grades and does many extra activities. She has dreams to become a vet and will do anything to accomplish this. She is just an amazing person.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

CE#2 Is The Theory Of Light Wrong? Listeria Outbreak In Cantaloupe

Is the theory of light wrong?
     Prominence-Albert Einstein, known as a total genius, might be wrong for his greatest theory. His theory on light, how nothing can travel faster than light, might be proved wrong by a group of physicist in Switzerland and Italy.     
    Drama-This event has caused much talk in the scientific community, even questioning if any of the other things that Einstein's theory could be proved wrong.
    Summary-Scientist have found particles that are slightly faster than light. Scientist have been checking this for about six months.This does not mean that he is completely wrong. Einstein's theory is that no solid object can travel faster than light in a closed vacuum. This could still prove Einstein's theory is still right.
     Reaction-Just because we have found new particles doesn't necessarily prove Einstein's theory wrong. You see Einstein's theory says that a solid object can't travel faster than light in a vacuum. Einstein was and still is a genius the problem is that science changes. As science changes theories might change. It doesn't mean that the theory is wrong. Is that a new thing has come into the mix.

Listeria Outbreak in Cantaloupe
     Impact-There has been 13 deaths, a shocking number, because of the recent listeria outbreak in cantaloupe. The death poll could even reach to 16. This is mainly to effect newborn babies, pregnant women, and, the elderly.
     Proximity-There were reports of this cantaloupe caused illness in California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Colorado. Which means that there has been food poisoning in these states. Some deaths were in these states, but not all.
     Summary-Many states have been affected with listeria.This has affected Kansas with two deaths. The problem with listeria is that it grows in room temperature and most people have there cantaloupe at room temperature. Luckily this does not affect the entire groups of people. The outbreak has caused a shocking number of deaths. This is the biggest health outbreak in the history of the U.S.
      Reaction-This is incredible. 16 deaths is just amazing. Considering it is the biggest health outbreak it just amazing that I didn't get infected. My family sometimes buy fruit, cantaloupe being one of them, and I can say it's lucky my family and I didn't get affected. Hopefully there are no more deaths. This doesn't affect me even though it only really affects newborns, pregnant women, and, the elderly. But still any disease can effect anybody.


New Issue of Free Press

     In the new issue of Free Press newspaper, the article that I really enjoyed was the top 10 songs that remind the press about fall. The reason that I liked it was that it had bands that I like and listen too. It is great that the songs that were on that list were not so mainstream. They were more of hipster, alternative, or indie bands. Because when most people write articles they usually include mainstream band that everyone has listened to. It is nice to have a variety.
     Something that I did not like in the new issue is the parking article. The article itself was great. Really proving the problem that we face at Free State. The part that I did not like in the article is the picture. It did not describe the whole point of the article. It had nothing to do with the article. If there was a picture of how congested the driveway is in the morning at Free State, it would have been perfect.

Overall I thought that this issue was better than the first issue of Free Press.